Jacob P. Troutman



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Professor Jacob Troutman

Here should be me.

Dr. Jacob Troutman (he/him) investigates how noble metal-based nanoparticles can used to provide cleaner water and improve the sustainability of water treatment. He grew up on a farm outside a small town in North Carolina, with a dad and grandfather who thought they could grow enough vegetables to feed the entire county. However, their attitudes towards, and their respect for, the environment has played a major role in his life and his desire to improve how humans interact with the environment and how we use the environmental resources we have. An amazing high school chemistry teacher sparked his passion for chemistry, and changed the direction of his path. He completed his B.S. in 2017 at Wingate University (Wingate, NC) in Chemistry and Mathematics. Following this, he moved to the University of Texas at Austin where he completed his M.S.E. (in 2019) and Ph.D. (in 2022) in Civil Engineering under the supervision of Dr. Charles Werth (Civil Engineering) and Dr. Simon Humphrey (Chemistry).